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Florida Villas and Vacation Rentals

“The photos do not do it justice”……… A good review or a call to action?

Last summer, desperate for some sunshine and a break, I booked a last minute holiday online just ten days before travelling – trusting the sales agent’s description on the phone. As it happened, once the documents arrived, the photos looked promising and in reality we couldn’t have picked anywhere better suited to our needs.

But this scenario tends to be the exception rather than the rule and most of us will spend hours pouring over brochures or online adverts to assure ourselves that our holiday money is well spent – especially when planning a once in a lifetime trip to Florida.

In other words, whether we like it or not – people tend to judge a book by its cover and your marketing photos are the ‘cover’ you present of your holiday home.

Judge book by its cover

The photos don’t do it justice’ is a cliché many people use to try and express just how fabulous we found our chosen destination. YES -  it is a great review  – BUT it is only going to help win you more business if those taking a first look at your advert are attracted to investigate further and actually read the reviews.

A call to action

Is it time to consider whether your adverts show your home in the best possible light? Your photos may conjure up great memories of past visits for you – but your photos need to convince people to book to ‘wish’ themselves there, ready to make their own memories.

Girl taking a photo

photo credit

Are you missing out on potential bookings?

Just how many potential bookings have you lost because your photos left a lot to the imagination? Don’t wait for your guests to be ‘surprised’ when they arrive at your amazing vacation home – make sure your photos are working hard so you have guests lining up to book. How much better to have your guests comment – ‘amazing home and every bit as good as the photos!’

A Range of Florida Rental Properties

Some examples of recently updates images

Improving your images

  • Hire a pro – Hiring a professional photographer is without doubt the best option to maximise your chance of bookings. They’ll have the best equipment, the best lighting and should know just how to stage your home and take the shot from the best angle to do the space justice. Of course this does come at a cost but you should quickly get this back in revenue.
  • Consider a deal – If your budget is small, why not consider an exchange. You could offer a free or discounted stay in your home to the photographer in exchange for a package of professional images. Even better if it’s late availability that you’re struggling to fill anyway. Ask around friends, family and previous guests. They may well be able to recommend someone with the suitable skills and equipment that you could approach with a proposal.
  • Plan your budget – Perhaps your advert doesn’t show the home at its absolute best because you’ve recently refurbished your vacation home. Do make sure you have allowed for the extra investment for new images in your budget, to make sure you reap the rewards of the renovations as quickly as possible.
  • Try a competition – Why not try a competition for your guests? Offer a discount on their next stay with you as a prize if you use one of their photos in your marketing. What better way to show your property than through the eyes of a satisfied guest. A great way to find out just what people love best about your holiday home!
  • DIY Tips – If professional photographs are not an option then beg, borrow or buy the best camera you can, start browsing the net for top tips on photography and start snapping. The beauty of digital cameras is that you can see your results immediately and if it doesn’t work first time then keep experimenting –picking the best ones to showcase your property.

So take a good look at your own guest book today. If more than one person has commented that it looks better in real life, perhaps it’s time to take a good look at updating your vacation rental photographs!


Has updating your photos resulted in an increase in your bookings? Can you recommend a good photographer? Do you have any great photography tips? Direct Villas Florida would love to hear your stories. Contact

A selection of vacation rentals in Florida can be found on

If you own your own holiday home and would like to find out more about advertising on the site contact Sarah or Tracy on: T. +44 (0)333 2400797   E.


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