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5 Ways an Insider Guide Can Help Boost Your Bookings

Friday, May 1st, 2015

It never ceases to amaze me how often vacation rental owners under-utilise their own expertise. Would you leave your killer photograph for last in the slideshow? Omit your to-die-for heated pool from your listing site description?

I thought not.

So why would you hide arguably your next biggest asset – your vault of insider knowledge – from your potential guests?

“Okay” you say, “so what? It’s not like knowing the best dish at the local seafood joint is going to generate any more bookings for me.”

Well, allow me to convince you otherwise…

1. Differentiate Yourself from the Masses

I see this all the time.

If you have a few minutes, head over to any major listing site and click on a few properties.  Likely you’ll find decent photos, informative copy, a list of amenities, and a price. I doubt you’ll find any golden insider nuggets that aim to create a richer vacation experience for potential guests.

In other words, one listing often creates little difference from the next listing.

On the other hand, imagine I read this on a listing site description:

“If you want to sample the real Florida, we have an absolute gem for you to try about an hour away. It’s a restaurant way down twisting and turning back roads, through miles of natural Florida countryside, literally in the middle of nowhere.”

I haven’t made this up – check out this insider guide to Central Florida. If I’m a guest in the market for Mickey, but with a little of the “real” Florida thrown in, I’m hooked. You’re differentiated!

2. Build Credibility with Your Guests

Imagine the potential guest is about to drop a 4-figure sum on a weeks stay in your rental. You’re not The Hilton. You’re not The W. You’re a stranger. Beyond reviews, you have limited credibility.

Taking the time to showcase your knowledge, in the form of an insider guide, demonstrates to guests that you’re a real, live, expert owner. Consider what one of our insiders, Irene Hoffman, said about her insider guide:

“The most important aspect of the guide is that, when I share it with my potential guests that are perhaps on the fence about whether to book with me, the guide provides immediate credibility! Having an asset like that to help improve my conversion is priceless!”

Prove that while you don’t have front desk concierges or staff to direct them to the best activities and restaurants, you offer something better: concierge recommendations and the expertise of a local, shared out of love for the place and investment in your guests’ good experience.

3. Convey a Sense of the Real Culture

Culture isn’t exclusive to destinations like Paris or Tuscany.

Granted, being steeped in history helps, but I’d suggest any city or area has its own unique culture. It’s not always obvious; sometimes it’s hidden. It takes a real insider to know the pulse and vibe of a place—something that goes beyond the tourist books.

Have a look at this insider guide to Orlando and Central Florida. How many potential guests out there know that Central Florida has a vibe of its own, beyond Disney?

Disney is great, of course it is, but think how many more potential guests you could appeal to by showcasing the real culture of a destination.

4. Tap the Emotion of a Guest

An insider guide isn’t all about secrets. It’s very often another means to showcasing what a stay with you would be like. It’s a marketing tool.

Visually powerful, high-resolution photos, with a page swirl, glossy magazine style effect, can instantly evoke a strong emotional connection. It feels smooth and effortless.

We all know that holiday feeling. After setting a budget, it’s not the brain that decides which vacation rental to choose, but the heart and soul! For me there’s no better example than this guide to Anna Maria Island.

I’m on that plane tomorrow!

5. Prove That You Want to Help

In addition to establishing your credibility as an expert in your destination (even if you feel like you’re not an expert—trust me, you are!), an insider guide also shows that you care a lot about whether your guests enjoy their experience.

Some owners say anything to get a guest to book, then don’t deliver, or fall off the map entirely when a problem arises. An insider guide shows you are not one of those people.

It will usher a guest into a vacation more authentic, in-depth, and personal than anything a travel agent could provide—and it’s free for them!

This generosity shows guests that you’re not just after their wallets; you want them to leave with wonderful, warm memories of money and time well-spent.

All that remains is for you to find the key to your insider knowledge vault, open it up, dust the gems off, and give them pride of place alongside your wow shots and carefully crafted copy.

Allow them to inspire and seduce your guests into booking with you!

Andy McNulty is the Co-Founder of Guest Hook (, the webs first vacation rental copywriting agency. Amongst other copywriting services, Guest Hook also designs and produces the insider guides found at Vacation Insiders (


Ready to commission a new insider guide to your vacation homes? Remember to add the link to your listing on Direct Villas Florida. Call +44 (0)333 2400 797 to find out how.


Advertise your Florida Vacation Home on from only £120 per year.

Contact or call Sarah or Tracy on +44 (0)333 2400 797 for more information.



10 Tips For Your First Trip To Disney

Friday, March 13th, 2015

A first time trip to Orlando can be a total mine field for anyone who has no experience. There are many schools of thought on how to tackle your trip, especially if it is likely to be a once in a life time holiday. Whether you plan every minute or chose to take things as they come, here are Ten Top Tips from a Disney veteran, The Disney Mum, Janine that are sure to help. (more…)

Book Your Orlando Holiday Yourself & Save Big.

Sunday, November 30th, 2014

Package tour operators have for many years had the monopoly on family holidays, however in recent years there has been a significant increase in the number of travellers who prefer to book the various elements of their holiday themselves. There are numerous advantages to this, one of the main ones being the savings that can be achieved. The following is example shows just how much can be saved on a independently booked family holiday to Orlando, Florida . (more…)

4 Great Orlando Shopping Malls

Friday, November 21st, 2014

Thanks to the advantages of a positive exchange rate for many European visitors, Orlando is without doubt one of the best vacation destinations for those who like a little retail therapy. From designer labels to electronics there are some some great deals to be had in any of the shopping malls in and around the Orlando area. (more…)

Florida Townhomes, A Great Alternative.

Sunday, September 21st, 2014

If this is your first trip to Florida, you might not be familiar with all of the options available to you for your holiday accommodation. If you’ve ruled out a cramped hotel room and are looking for self-catering facilities then your first thought might be for a private villa or pool home, but before you make your final decision, take a look at the Townhomes listed on Direct Villas Florida. (more…)

You’ll Be Amazed by these Surreal Things to Wash Up on Florida’s Beaches…

Monday, February 3rd, 2014

Last year, a gigantic eyeball went viral when it washed up on Pompano Beach in Florida. People all over the world wanted to know the origins of the mysterious peeper. But it wasn’t the first time a bizarre discovery had been made on the sands of Florida. In fact, weird and wonderful things have been washing up here for years. It turns out it’s not just holidaymakers who are attracted to Florida’s beautiful beaches, but everything from giant Lego men to dead mermaids. We combed the net and found some of the most weird, wonderful and downright unbelievable things ever to be found on the Sunshine State’s shores. (more…)

Forgotten Florida: 6 Amazing but Abandoned Places in the Sunshine State

Monday, September 30th, 2013

Holidays to Florida normally conjure up images of packed theme parks and bustling beaches, but for a growing group of urban explorers, it’s the state’s abandoned places that are the main attraction. We featured some of Florida’s most awesome unfinished and abandoned structures back in 2008 – and now we’ve found even more. A graffiti-spattered sports stadium, futuristic houses and defunct hotels are just some of the eerie but fascinating structures tucked behind Florida’s mass tourism. There’s even a secret rocket factory from the 1960s. These stunning images give you a glimpse into some of The Sunshine State’s most surreal sights. Some of them are no longer standing, but thankfully they were caught on camera before they faded forever. (more…)

Florida Here We Come . . .

Saturday, September 7th, 2013

You have found the flights and you have now booked your leave at work  . . . but getting the right holiday home, along with the right owner, can help make your vacation a magical one. Where do you start? (more…)

Florida Car Hire. New International Drivers Permit Requirement

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

From 1st January 2013, international visitors arriving at a car hire desk in Florida is now required by law to provide an International Drivers Permit (IDP). So where do you get yours and how much will it cost? (more…)

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